Electronic signature module settings
If you have activated the Electronic signature module,
In System settings , the Electronic signing option is active in the left menu.

You can find the module activation procedure in the article Activating additional modules .
Electronic signing settings are divided into three parts - tabs:
- Overview
- Tokens
- Report templates
Here you will find all the documents sent for signature.

- In the upper part, you can see the number of documents that you can sign electronically for free. Free documents are green, exhausted gray. You have 4 documents available for free .
- The status of the signing process is displayed for each document. You can filter the statuses in the column as you like.
- Submitted - The document has been successfully submitted for signature, but is not yet signed by all signatories.
- Completed - the document has been signed by all signatories.
- Canceled - The signing was manually canceled during the process.
- Expired – the document was not signed within the specified expiration period.
- Error - The document failed to be sent for signature and the process has not yet been reset.
- You can filter any period above the entire overview.
- At the end of the list are documents in an error state that have not been sent for signature.

- All successfully sent documents are invoiced, i.e. in all states except the Error state.
You define signature tokens in this table. These are marks that you place in the document at the places where the electronic signatures will be inserted. One token = one signer.

Token insertion procedure:

- Click the Add Token button.
- Fill in the Token Name . It must always start with "_Sign".
- Select a signatory .
- The options Employee , Supervisor , Approver will be contextually replaced by people in these roles.
- If you want to permanently assign a signatory person, select the Other option and select the appropriate employee.
- Check the Published checkbox to specify that this token can be used for signing.
- Save with the Save button.
Report templates
Here you can edit the text of predefined email messages that are sent to signers during the document signing process.
To edit a template:
- Select Template Type .
- Edit the email text.
- Save with the button Save changes .
- You can also insert language mutations of these messages.