Overview for employees

Updated by Tým PINYA

The overview for employees shows information about employees and their attendance and absence.

Allows information to be filtered (5) or exported (1,4).

In the overview you will find:

  • List of all employees
  • Type of attendance/absence
  • Number of used vacation days (or other type of presence/absence)
  • Number of planned vacation days (or other type of presence/absence)
  • Number of vacation days available (or other type of presence/absence)

The type of attendance/absence (2) and calendar year (3) for which you are displaying the balances listed above can be selected by clicking on the scroll box in the filter panel.

  • Export to Excel = export the report of attendance/absence to Excel
  • Monthly export = export of the monthly overview of attendance and all types of attendance/absence for the relevant calendar month, serves as a basis for wages

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