Custom fields in the list

Updated by Dana

You can add your custom fields to the list. This is currently only available in the Companies list.

Go to main settings > Custom fields > Lists. Here you can add any number of custom fields:

  1. Click Add new field.
  2. Fill in the form and save:
    1. Name - mandatory field.
    2. Token name - use in templates for document generation.
    3. List - currently you can add custom fields only to the Companies list, the Companies list is pre-populated by default.
    4. Data type - once saved, the data type cannot be changed.
    5. Published - checked by default; if you do not want the field to be published automatically after saving, leave the checkbox empty.
    6. Note

Custom fields created in this way are displayed in the list fields of Companies and can be filled with different data for each company. You can then use tokens to generate this data in your documents.

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