Top Articles
Content of the homepage
Homepage configuration
Personal account management
Reset a forgotten password
Change of password by the user
Administrative functions
Notification templates
Email message templates
Account & login
Account settings
Prompt for login
Setting the password by administrator
List fields
Custom fields in the list
Deleting an item from the Departments and Job Titles lists
Show in ORG
Calendar exceptions
Employee's profile
Editing of personal data
Custom fields
Entrusted assets
The list of entrusted assets
Transfer of property
Creating and targeting templates
Generate documents for individual
Generate documenets in bulk
Import documents in bulk
Tokens in documentation
Document management
Electronic signing
Electronic signature module settings
Preparation of a document for electronic signing
Sending a document for electronic signature
Signing by the worker
The signing process and its states
Signed document and audit log
Management of presence/absence types
Attendance/absence type form
Request for absence
Approval of absences
Overview for employees
Bulk balance management
Calendar function
Custom requests
Creating requests
Request templates
Changing the language version of the system
Employee overview
My team
General information
Team overview
Org chart
Grouping and custom views
List of employees
View employee information
Add employees
Bulk import of employees
Job post
Manager and Approver
Other modules
Integration with other software via API
Homepage content, birthdays and anniversaries, news, configuration
3 articles by 2 authors
Personal account management, administrative functions
12 articles by 2 authors
2 articles by 1 author
Entrusted assets, transfer and return, history
6 articles by 2 authors
7 articles by 1 author
Balance & types management, request and approval attendance/absence
7 articles by 2 authors
2 articles by 2 authors
1 article by 1 author
9 articles by 2 authors
Additional modules for the system
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