Document management

Updated by Tým PINYA

Document templates can be uploaded, edited and deleted.

Only HR administrators have permission to make these actions.

However, permissions can be changed additionally in the main system settings.

Go to Settings > Access levels > Permissions.

Select the access level for which you want to set permissions and enable all fields in the Documents category.

Document category

If you want to manage document categories, go to Settings > List fields > Document category.

You can add a new category by clicking the Add category button. In the window that appears, fill in the title (required field). You can also set up access to documents for employee, manager and HR administrator:

  • read only
  • read/upload/edit/delete
  • none

General access to documents must also be set to the appropriate account levels in Settings > Access levels.

Click on the globe icon to set the language mutations for each category.

Click on the pencil icon to edit the selected category and use the cross icon to delete the category. If you decide to delete a category, you will see a notification about how many documents the selected category contains.

The employee profile only shows the categories in which a document is uploaded. If a category does not contain a document, it will not be displayed.

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