Org chart

Updated by Dana

In the My Team module in the tab Org chart (1) you will find a visual display of your team members

(including their subordinates).

The entire organizational structure can be zoomed in and out by scrolling or using the buttons (2).

You can also export it to PDF (3).

Vertical from level (4): used when the company structure is very stratified. Allows you to set the level from which employees will be displayed vertically in the organizational structure.

The org chart always displays the entire team including you and your direct and indirect subordinates (the view does not respond to the Show including indirect subordinates/me checkboxes.

In the organizational structure, we can display hidden employees - those who have the Show in ORG switch turned off in Account Settings (most often employees on long-term sick leave, maternity or parental leave, some externs or service accounts as needed) - check Show including hidden employees .

You can easily click through the organizational structure to the employee profiles of your colleagues. Just click on their icon.

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