Signed document and audit log

Updated by Lucie Heroudkova

Fully signed document

  • After all designated persons have signed the document, the signing process is complete.

  • Each of the signatories will receive an email with a link to download the signed document.

    The link is only valid for 24 hours

Audit log

  • An audit log is stored in the PINYA HR system for each signed document.
    You can find it next to the signed document in the details of the signing ( the eye icon in the Signed status).

  • This log proves the electronic signing of the document.
    It contains, for example, information about the start and completion of the signing process, the times of signing by individual signers, information about the identity of the signers, etc. It contains, for example, information about the start and completion of the signing process, the times of signing by individual signers, information about the identity of the signers, etc.

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