The signing process and its states

Updated by Lucie Heroudkova

  • During signing, the document is in various stages - states.

  • Information about the signing status can be found in the Signing column on the Documents tab of the employee's profile .

  • Click the eye icon next to the status to view the signing detail. It contains information about who and when the document has already signed, who is yet to sign, or information about an error status.

Status " None "

  • Signing is not triggered on the document. Documents for which the signature has been canceled are also in this state.
  • The file can be deleted and its name can be changed.

Status " In Process "

  • Signing is started on the document, but the document has not yet been signed by all signers.
  • The file cannot be deleted or renamed.

Status " Signed "

  • The signing of the document has been completed. The document is signed by all signatories.
  • A signed file can be deleted, but its name cannot be changed.

Status " Expired "

  • Signing was started on the document, but it was not signed by all signers within the specified expiration time.
  • The file can be deleted and its name can be changed.

  • Signatories will receive an email notification of expiration:

Status " In Process - With Exclamation Point "

The document signing was not completed due to one of the following reasons:

  • Authorization error
  • Non-existent email

Authorization error

  • The signer started the verification process 3 times, was sent an SMS with a verification code, but did not complete the authorization.
  • Signing is blocked for this person.
  • Other parallel signatories can sign the document.
  • The signing process must be canceled, but the signing costs will be charged.
  • The file cannot be deleted or renamed.

Non-existent email

  • A non-existent email has been entered for one of the signatories, so they cannot be sent an invitation to sign.
  • Other parallel signers receive the prompt and can sign the document.
  • The signing process can be cancelled, but the signing costs will be charged.
  • You can also resend the document to the same person on a different email. Select the correct email and resend the document to this person for signature by clicking the Resend button.
    In this case, resending costs will not be charged, so you only pay once for signing the document.
  • The file cannot be deleted or renamed.

" Error " status

An error condition can occur in the following cases:

  • Misplaced signature token
  • Non-existent phone number

In these cases, signing does not start at all and no signing costs are charged .

It is possible to reset the signing process and then start signing again on the document.

A file in an error state can be deleted and its name can be changed.

Misplaced signature token

In this case, the signature token is located too close to the edge of the document, so the rectangular signature box would extend beyond the page. Example:

Non-existent phone number

The signer's phone number is required to send the verification code. An error condition occurs if a non-existent phone number is entered.

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